Tuesday, May 22, 2012

What to Feed a Sick Child? ? Cute Baby Blog

Hello friends I am mother of two kids and believe me when my toddler is sick I have this question ?what to feed him? as he is very fussy over food.

My son ?Avaneesh? was not doing well this weekend he was down with temperature Dr gave me the moral support told me cheer up he will be well in 2 to 3 days. The medicine where doing there work of keeping the temperature down ? however, the main battle was he was not taking anything ? and like normal mother i was like he should at least eat something- ?so tried all his favorite stuff but he was just rejecting it. ?Then experienced Mom took the responsibility- stopped with all? solid stuff ?- gave him some guava juice and he took it ? and believe me I was on top of the world as if I had won the battle- all the moms will agree how happy they feel when?their ?sick toddler eat something-

These two days I learnt a lesson and want to share it with mothers who get panic when toddler is sick and he is not welling to eat ?Don?t worry about the food. Just lots of rest and liquids for now. Always have a cup of something he likes handy and if he does want to eat, give him watery stuff watermelon, maybe orange segments or juice?.

As an adult, you will suffer an average of 2 to 4 colds per year. Children, especially those in school and daycare, are not so lucky. Children will average anywhere from three to twelve colds per year, with each cold lasting about 10 days in duration. Add in an occasional sore throat, a stomach virus, and the flu ? the total can be many sick days for your child.

When your child is sick, it usually makes them not want to eat, or at least not eat as much as they normally do. The best way to get a sick child to eat is by offering many small meals. Never make them eat, though. And do not restrict a child?s feedings because of the old wives tale ?feed a cold, starve a fever?, if your child feels like eating. It has been determined that a child should continue to eat, even when sick.

You may need to withhold certain foods and drinks, and offer others instead while your child is sick, depending upon what type of illness they have. Here are some feeding suggestions for your child. If you have any questions or concerns, be sure to talk to your child?s doctor.

Children with Diarrhea

Do not give them any kind of medicine to stop the diarrhea, unless you have been instructed to do so by your doctor. The diarrhea serves the important function of removing toxins from your child?s body. Stopping the diarrhea too soon allows the toxins to stay in the body. What you need to prevent is dehydration. Do this by offering plenty of fluids in small amounts every hour. Suggested beverages are water, carrot juice, rice water, broths and electrolyte solutions. Don?t offer carbonated or caffeinated drinks, and stay away from milk and fruit juices. Sugary drinks make diarrhea worse. Suggested foods to offer are foods that are easy to digest, like:


Cooked vegetables


In addition, offer the BRAT diet, which consists of bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast, to help firm up the stools. Avoid foods that are high in fiber, like bran, because they may cause loose stools; and avoid foods that are sugary, fatty or spicy. Children with diarrhea should be offered half the amount of food you normally give them, twice as often as you would normally give it.

Children with Constipation

If your child suffers from constipation, make sure that they are drinking enough fluids to keep their stools regular. Ask your child?s doctor how many prunes (or how much juice) would be good to stimulate your child?s bowels ? don?t just guess, too much can cause cramping. Foods to offer a child with constipation are high fiber foods such as:

Fresh, unpeeled fruits and vegetables


Sweet potatoes

Vegetable soups


Bran cereal

Bran muffins

Shredded wheat

Graham crackers

Whole wheat bread

Drinks to offer a constipated child are: Lots of water ? children should drink 3 glasses of water each day. Juices to offer are apple juice and pear juice.

Children with Fevers

Kids with fevers usually are not very hungry, but try and get them to eat a little something, whatever sounds good to them. See if they would like dips, sauces or butter added to their food to make them higher in calories, since they will not be eating much. Foods to try are bland foods like oatmeal, chicken soup, mashed potatoes and pudding. Offer plenty of extra fluids to combat the dehydration that high body temperatures can cause. Offer sips of water every half hour, and ice chips to children over 2 to encourage fluid intake. Drinks to offer include water and juices.

Children with Colds

Children that have a run of the mill cold can eat their usual diet, but they tend to like soft and easy to eat foods like:

Chicken soup


Cottage cheese



Mashed potatoes



Apple sauce


Ice cream

Offer any drinks that appeal to them, but stay away from caffeinated beverages.

Children with Sore Throats

Any soft food will be okay, but kids with sore throats usually prefer hot or cold liquids to make their throat feel better. Hot drinks to try are:



Hot chocolate

Warm apple cider

Hot lemonade

Hot jello

Cold drinks to try are:





Apple juice

Drinkable yogurt

Vomiting Children

Any child that is throwing up after a blow to the head, or has greenish looking bile in their vomit, should be seen by a doctor before you give them food or drink. If your child is vomiting because they have a stomach virus, offer them something to eat after their stomach has settled down. Give them small sips of water even if they are still having bouts of vomiting, as they need to replace the lost fluids. Foods to try are bland foods in small amounts, like:







Drinks to try are: Give them water only at first, in small amounts to avoid overwhelming the stomach. After their stomach has settled down, any fluids are OK.


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